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Every speaker at ARISE '24 is handpicked to equip you from different angles so that you are well prepared for your battle ahead.

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Wade & Claire McLennan

Founders and Pastors of New Hope Community Church, Cardiff & UK ARISE.

Wade originally grew up in Chicago, USA. Although he did not come from a Christian background, God was pleased to save him from a lifestyle of drugs and street life at the age of nineteen. God has dramatically changed his heart and life, giving him a passion for His Word and a heart for World Mission,  Biblical Evangelism, Church Planting and Revival! Wade has traveled on mission to India, Pakistan, USA, Europe. Wade is a co-leader/teacher in Graphe Bible school. Wade often teaches for the bIble college of Wales his old alma mater. Wales is a team pastor and teacher for Mission24 School of ministry with Jonathan Conrathe, helping to ground students in their identity and mission.

Wade is currently an elder at New Hope Community Church, Cardiff.

Claire was saved at the age of 35. She was not raised in a Christian home, but when Jesus came into her kitchen and revealed Himself to her she has never been the same. Since that encounter, her life has been transformed through God's love and freedom. Claire together with her husband helped to establish New Hope Community Church, Cardiff, from its humble beginnings in the front room of their home.  New Hope now has been going since 2012 and is located in Llanrumney. Claire has graduated from Esther Academy and Mission24 School of Ministry and serves as New Hope's women's pastor. Claire as well as pastoring and leading home groups among gypsy folk she has also worked for the BGEA (currently) and Cfan. Claire does all the administration for ARISE!

Jonathan Conrathe

Evangelist, Founder and Director of Mission24

We  welcome Jonathan back again joining us for ARISE '24! He carries a weighty and anointed calling to see 'forgiveness and healing' proclaimed from the cross of Jesus Christ. He was called as a teenager to a global ministry and with many testimonies of those professing faith in Christ and being healed over the years we are looking forward to what God has in store this year at ARISE '24!

Jonathan is an Evangelist, Founder & Director of Mission24 and "LifeLink24", the mercy arm of the ministry. Jonathan has seen in excess of 264,500 people come to Jesus Christ over the last 32 years in 52 countries. The Lord continues to faithfully confirm His word with regular healings, miracles, and gifts of the Holy Spirit. Jon is involved with church planting, fathering other evangelist and quipping the church worldwide in power evangelism.

He is also a broadcaster on UCB & Premier Radio and has appeared on a number of interviews for GodTV and BBC TV.

Evangelist Justin Slade

Evangelist Founder of Gospel Alliance

Gospel Alliance, the ministry founded and led by UK evangelist Justin Slade, partners with churches at equipping believers in evangelism and together is playing its part in winning the world to Jesus Christ. It is a Word and Spirit ministry that preaches the full gospel (Rom 15).

Born and based in Exeter and sent out with the prayer covering of Rediscover Church where he’s a member, the vision is to reach as many as possible with the life changing message of the gospel in his home city, the South West, the nation and the nations, and to equip others to do the same.A qualified teacher with over 25 years experience, he has served as a member of church leadership teams, established and new, in London as well as Devon taking a lead in evangelism.

He is being used to lead many hundreds to Jesus and teaches and trains growing numbers of believers to minister the gospel in the power of the Holy Spirit. He regularly sees the word confirmed by accompanying signs (Mark 16).


Ben Fitzgerald

Evangelist, Senior leader of Awakening

Ben Fitzgerald is a passionate lover of Jesus and the senior leader of Awakening Europe, a movement that champions the Gospel across Europe through stadium events, city-wide outreaches, and training schools.  Originally from Melbourne, Australia, Ben met Jesus in an encounter that deeply changed him in 2002 whilst he was dealing drugs. Since then Ben has lived passionately about one thing – showing the world Jesus in his everyday life and taking the good news of the Kingdom to the nations.In 2009, Ben moved to Redding, California to attend Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry (BSSM). After graduating, he then served on staff as a Pastor at Bethel Church for several years. He currently lives in Germany leading the Awakening Team and spends much of his time traveling extensively – both in Europe and across the world. Galatians 5:1 says “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.” In line with that mission, Ben loves to equip people to live in God’s fullness of freedom and identity.  He has a deep conviction that the future of nations will be transformed by radical believers living free and proclaiming Jesus boldly.

Jean-Luc Trachsel

Healing Evangelist and President of the International Association of Healing Ministries (IAHM)

Jean-Luc personally encountered Christ at age five, and from the earliest age God placed a strong calling on his life – to share His Word with demonstrations of power.

Jean-Luc believes that nothing is impossible. He actively works to bring unity among Christians and to proclaim the Gospel to this generation with mercy and compassion. His sensitivity to the Spirit allows the manifestation of the supernatural with signs, miracles, healings and the salvation.

Jean-Luc is President of the International Association of Healing Ministries (IAHM) and prime vision carrier of Europe Shall Be Saved Movement. Together with Daniel Kolenda, he also launched and co-chaired the Global Evangelist Alliance (GEA) under the banner of Empowered21. Internationally recognised speaker, he travelled over the five continents to more than eighty nations and shared the Gospel in all kind of situations and circumstances.

We are looking forward to having Jean-Luc back with us again for ARISE 2023!

Scott Lee

Evangelist, Founder of Encountering Life International

During his early days as a church planter in Mexico, God gave Scott the vision for Encountering Life International. The mission is to empower others to live a life of intimacy, power, and faith through discipleship and training, as well as impartation of the anointing and gifts of the Holy Spirit.

We are looking forward to having Scott with us for ARISE '24!

Andrew Cannon

Evangelist, Founder of Gospel Grenades

Andrew Cannon is an Evangelist born and raised in Liverpool, UK.  The hand of God radically touched him in January 2010 when he called up on the name of Jesus.  

He has been called by God into the office of an Evangelist and has wasted no time in unashamedly sharing his faith in Jesus to all he comes across in his walk, whether that’s at a Stadium event, a conference or on the streets where Andrew feels right at home introducing people to the Lord.

We are grateful to have Andrew back with us again for ARISE '24!

Paul Manwaring

Fathering People and Organisations

Paul was part of Senior Team of Bethel Church in Redding, California  for 15 years. He was then given a prophetic word about evangelism and that made way for his faith journey back to Europe. He firmly believes in raising world changers, strengthening organisations, empowering people and fathering Evangelists!

We're looking forward to having Paul back with us again here at ARISE 2023

Jarrod Cooper

Jarrod Cooper is an author, songwriter, broadcaster, leads Revive Global Church and THE TRIBE, an online worship and learning community.

Inspirational in style, Jarrod uses speech, song, worship and prophetic ministry in an inspiring way, to encourage the Church to reach higher in God. This work has taken him throughout the UK, Europe, Africa, Australia and North & South America since 1990, speaking and singing in churches, conferences, on television and radio and through writing and producing training and coaching materials. His main passion is that “the glory of the Lord would cover the earth, as the waters cover the sea”, and seeks to lift believers to a life in the supernatural, that will display God’s presence and power in everyday life.

Jarrod is co-founder of The TRIBE, an online community of passionate worshippers and learners, leaders and churches across the world, dedicated to encountering God and growing in skills for life and leadership and revival.He has led Revive Church since 2005, and in that time it has grown from 1 location to 3, with an additional 6 missional communities and a network of churches, itinerants and ministries. Revive Church is presence filled, prophetic, pioneering and passionate and is fast becoming an apostolic resource centre for leaders, for training, for missions, for church planting and inspiring revival. Revive Church is the home of Colombia ChildCare UK, a ministry birthed by the remarkable David Taylor, which educates, feeds, bring medical care and the Gospel to over 1500 children every week.  

Jarrod has been involved in producing over twenty worship albums, including eleven solo albums, and the song he is probably most known for writing, King of kings, Majesty, has featured consistently as one of the top 10 worship songs sung in the United Kingdom (CCLI).Through Tribe TV Jarrod’s online programmes are impacting many around the world, he has authored ten books, and his radio & TV teaching programs REVIVE and Days of Wonder have been broadcast in internationally.

Jarrod is married to Victoria and they have a son, Zachary. Vicky is also an author and musician. She has a passion for presence-filled creativity. Jarrod & Victoria are passionate about helping believers to live powerful lives, cultivate healthy, growing, presence-filled churches and bring the influence of God’s Kingdom to their world.

Robbie Howells

Founder and Senior Pastor at The Warehouse Church, Newport

Robbie Howells co-Founder and Senior Pastor with Donna Howells of The Warehouse Church, Newport. They are passionate about seeing people fulfil their destiny in God by equipping them in the Word. They have a mandate from God to teach the uncompromising word to the nations and this is fulfilled through live-streaming their church services and more recently making programmes for Christian TV in the U.K., America and Africa. They are more passionate than ever about fulfilling all that God has assigned them to do and are looking forward to seeing Wales on fire for God once again.

Graham Jones

Prophet, Teacher and Founder of Bethel House of God, Liverpool

A solid Bible based prophetic teacher that ministers across churches in the United Kingdom and Brazil. Graham has been a regular at ARISE since the beginning and has brought a sense of God's presence and His word of authority to every meeting. Graham like to as he puts it "...to get out of the way and watch the Holy Spirit do what He wants to do.." and the thats exactly what happens! It's great to have Graham with us again at ARISE '24.

Naomi McLennan


Evangelist Rev. Naomi McLennan
Naomi was born in Wales and having come to a real born again experience and freedom in her late teen's now Filled with the Holy Spirit she reaches out with the Gospel globally.

Naomi has trained with New Hope Community Church; was Ordained when she completed Christ for All Nations Boot Camp in Orlando Florida, Worked with the Cfan and now works for Mission24, Jonathan Conrathe.

As well as preaching the Gospel, Naomi functions in Words of Knowledge and Healing.  Naomi is planted in her home church but is often travelling internationally preaching the Gospel and training others to carry the fire of revival!

Naomi currently resides in Wales and is connected to her local church.

Nathanael McLennan


Nathanael was born in Wales and spent the first 3 months of his life at the Bible College of Wales while His Father was a student under Samuel Howells' and Mr. Richard Maton's Residency.

One of Nathanael's first Sundays gathering in worship he was dedicated by Dr. Kingsley Priddy of Bible College of Wales, and proclaimed a sign for the college of new things to come.

Nathanael, came to faith in Jesus at a very early age, having had a deep revelation of eternity. Nathanael spent a number of years wrestling with what it meant to be a Son, Justified by God His Father through Christ Jesus. But when that revelation dawned, he began functioning in the gift of Faith, Words of Knowledge and Healing in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Nathanael graduated from Covenant Life College in Cardiff as well as from the Mission24 School of Ministry with Jonathan Conrathe. Now Nathanael ministers regularly and sees healing almost everywhere he goes. Nathanael lives in Wales with his wife Larissa and their 3 amazing children.

Grace Pomroy


Prophet and Theologian, Grace Studied for her B.A in Pastoral Studies at Family of Faith university and is going for her Master degree.

Grace Pomroy (McLennan) was Born in Wales, and came to a genuine faith while living in the USA. Shortly after her encounter with Jesus' love and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and began to function with Prophetic unction, in the office of a Prophet. She has had her calling confirmed by various established Apostolic and Prophetic people.  

Grace loves to read and understand the work of God in His Word as well as to flow in the Spirit seeing lives changed, encouraged and 'the Fire fall'. Grace disciples others in the gift of prophecy and imparts the grace on her life.  Grace has ministered internationally on mission with great effect.

Grace is married to her husband Douglas Pomroy a Spirit filled Bible Teacher they have 3 wonderful children and currently reside in Wales and carry leadership roles in their Local church.

Evangelist Jenny Carroll

Evangelist with Mission24, Cfan & OAC

Jenny is a full time evangelist, CFAN affiliate & Team Evangelist for Mission24. Jenny grew up in the wilds of Scotland. At sixteen years old, she went to a Christian holiday camp in Cornwall where she encountered Jesus and was powerfully saved. One year later she received a call to evangelism. Jenny has been involved with several evangelistic ministries, including Open Air Campaigners, who specialise in street outreach, and graduated from the Mission24 School of Ministry & Mission in 2018. Jenny also trained for crusade evangelism with Christ For All Nations under Daniel Kolenda in 2020. She is zealous to reach the lost and has spent many years in full time evangelism. She considers herself blessed to have had the opportunity to preach the gospel in 22 other countries as well as many towns and cities within the UK. She has a particular heart for Latin America and Africa and for taking the gospel to those in unreached areas who have never had an opportunity to hear the good news. Jenny has had the joy of seeing thousands saved and many healed both in the UK and a growing number of countries around the world.

Douglas Pomroy

A Spirit Filled Theologian and Bible Teacher with a Degree in Theology from Spurgeon's College London.

Douglas was born in Wales and came to personally experience the Grace of God in Salvation early in his life. God having wrestled with Douglas over his future calling. Being baptised in the Holy Spirit Doug gave himself to the commission.  

Doug has graduated from Spurgeon's College London and is beginning his Masters degree from Family of Faith University, Oklahoma. Doug teaches & preaches regularly in his home church where he is a leader. Douglas leads home based discipleship groups with his wife and is a main teacher at Graphe Bible School, in Cardiff. Douglas has co authored the discipleship training course called 'Foundations' where 100's have benefited. Doug has travelled on mission to places in Europe and India.

Doug is also technically inclined and leads a team who actually help put on ARISE!

Doug is married to Grace Pomroy (McLennan) who reside in Wales with their 3 children.  

Evangelist Wayne Hudson

Evangelist Wayne Hudson, Go and Tell Ministries.

Wayne was dramatically saved from a background of abuse and drug use in 1993. His whole life was radically transformed from the moment he met and gave his heart to Jesus.He worked for Rochdale Youth for Christ from 1996-2003, working in schools and heading up the youth evangelism in the town.Wayne trained under Evangelist Jonathan Conrathe and graduated from the Mission24 Internship Programme in 2019 and still works alongside Mission24 as a Team Evangelist. He has completed a 12 month School of Biblical Studies Course with Revd Dr Hugh Osgood.

Wayne has ministered on behalf of Go and Tell as well as with Mission24 on many missions throughout the UK and around the world and has personally seen lives radically transformed and seen God perform amazing miracles in people’s lives.Wayne had the privilege as serving as an elder with Branches Christian Fellowship from 2008 – 2021 and currently worships at New Life Community Church in Milnrow with his wife Lucy. He is passionate about the local church and works alongside other leaders in his hometown of Rochdale in evangelism and mission.Wayne is passionate to see every person in the region, the nation and the world impacted and transformed by the love of God and released into a life of adventure with the Holy Spirit.

He wholeheartedly believes that revival is coming to the UK, that the fields are white unto harvest


Simon Matheson

Teacher and Elder at Hill City Church

Simon is an Elder of Hill City Church, Pontypool and also works with Christians Against Poverty. Simon carries a well-developed teaching gift. Having been saved and baptised in the Holy Spirit whilst studying at Cardiff University, Simon has been leading in the Church and feeding God’s people since a young age. He is a real Holy Spirit empowered man of God who edifies the Saints and brings glory to God as he speaks. Simon is married to his lovely wife, Sarah and has five children. We are delighted to have Simon joining us for Arise 2022 where he will be part of the team opening up the glorious Book of Hebrews.
